Pre-portioned Flash Frozen Garlic & Herbs

Fresh herbs, washed, chopped and frozen into little cubes for maximum taste, aroma and convenience in every kitchen.

All that’s GOOD for you – is inside

The great thing about instant picking and freezing of fresh herbs is that it keeps all that’s nutritious, healthy and yummy.
That leaves us with minimal need for preservation, accomplished using citrus fibre, a dash of canola oil, and even less salt. Nothing more.

All that’s NOT good for you – is kept out

All our herbs are:

Keeping your healthy cooking easy (and fun)

You always have fresh herbs in your freezer,

even for the most spontaneous (or unconventional hours) cooking

You just take the tray out of the freezer, press out your portion of fresh herb, and put the tray back in the freezer

The portions are identical in size and weight, making it so much easier to replicate a successful dish

So no matter if you cook on a daily basis or from time to time, you won’t suffer from expired herbs when you need them

Summer or winter time, you always have available fresh herbs of all kinds
Compact and easy storing tray, fitting even the freezer size door

Fresh Frozen Herbs? How does that work?

That can sound a bit contracting but that’s the essence of our innovation and success. Here’s how we do it:

Our growers grow garlic and herbs for us under our instruction and inspection.

All these lovely herbs are hand-picked, chopped and frozen in a unique process of rapid freezing. Thanks to this process we can maintain the freshness and nutritional values of each herb. Because our herbs are kept in their fresh state, so are their taste and scent. In practice, that means:

Forget about

Spending money on fresh herbs and throwing most of them away after they go bad

Wasting all your cooking energy on slicing, dicing, peeling, and cleaning up

Trying to get the strong scent of herbs off your hands

Making a mess in the kitchen even before you got to the cooking part

How did we come up with crushed garlic?

Like many good ideas, the fresh crushed garlic was born thanks to our customers who demanded it. The people wanted easier seasoning solutions.

The first line of products was small diced garlic, but that wasn’t the solution our customers were after. So we started searching for that thing. A devoted Dorot Kibbutz member took upon himself the task and turned his home into a garlic test lab. Then, in one defining moment, somewhere in the mid-eighties, a prototype was formulated. Years after, this prototype evolved into our flag product: frozen crushed garlic.

The first Dorot factory even built operated from no more than a caravan in the Kibbutz. The year was 1992. Years after, the factory moved out of the caravan, grew, advanced, and we are very proud to say we are now the largest provider of fresh frozen herbs in all of Israel.

How does a garlic factory smell like?

Not like you would have imagined there’s no large cloud of garlic smell hoovering everything. But maybe you’ll find it interesting to know that we make 4,000 trays an hour! Which means many millions of trays a year. Our products are divided into those serving private customers, and those serving the food service.

From the Kibbutz to all of Israel and the world

Dorot distributes herbs across Israel – to the largest distribution chains, the industrial and food service markets, and to private stores.

On a global level, we operate as an integral part of markets across the world since 1998.

In the US, Dorot Foods Inc. is a Dorot propriety company, distributing our herbs to the leading marketing chains in the states, including Trader Joe, Giant, Harris Teeter, BILO, Ingles, Stew Leonards, and more.

In Canada, you can find our products in leading chain stores, including Sobey’s ,Longo’s, Fortinos, and Metro.

In Europe, we have great customers working together for many years in the British, Spanish, Hungarian, and Austrian markets.

In South Africa you can find us in chains like Woolworths And the list goes on and on… but you get the scope of things.

Certified Herbs

Dorot meets the strictest standards in the food industry, including ISO 9001:2015 and BRC.
Our growers meet the Global GAP standard
Our products also meet the various Kosher & Halal supervision

At Dorot Garlic & Spice Products, product quality and safety are values of paramount importance.

The company has implemented a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 requirements, as well as a product safety management system according to the global BRC standard, for our garlic, ginger, turmeric, fried onion, and herb products.
The company undertakes to develop, produce, and manufacture high-quality, legal, and authentic products that are safe to consume, comply with local and international laws and regulations, and are manufactured in strict compliance with HACCP procedures and the ethical codes in force at the company. Additionally, the company commits to continuous improvement in the food safety and quality culture at the site.

What is Corporate Responsibility?

A social and environmental management approach, which includes a whole series of rules of conduct and procedures of an organization, which seeks to be considered as an organization that behaves as an “upright citizen”, that treats the stakeholders around it properly (employees, owners, customers, suppliers…) and does not harm the needs of future generations (air pollution, pollution of water sources, global warming…).

What are the areas of practice of corporate responsibility?

  • Transparency and ethics (business and organizational)
  • Employees (fair, supportive and safe work environment)
  • Employment diversity and inclusion (diverse populations, those with special needs…)
  • Procurement (supply chain, strengthening of small/periphery suppliers…)
  • Donation / volunteering (community involvement)
  • Environment (recycling, energy, water, air pollution, waste, cleaning…)
  • Corporate governance (decision-making procedure, practices, dialogue with all stakeholders: owners, factory management, employees, customers, suppliers…)


What do we believe and what are we committed to?

  • We believe that community involvement should reflect our business activities, as this is where our strengths and expertise lie.
  • We aspire to be a leading business group that creates a sustainable and progressive living environment in Israel and around the world.
  • To nurture and promote the health and well-being of customers and consumers, we develop advanced products adapted to each market segment.
  • The company is committed to promoting equal opportunities, encouraging multi-culturalism in the company and creating an inclusive work environment for all employees.
  • We are committed to promoting equal opportunities, encouraging multi-culturalism in the company and creating an inclusive work environment for all employees. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of all the people we serve and employ and to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, the regions and the countries in which we operate.


So what does Dorot do to maintain environmental social responsibility?

Social responsibility – having a code of ethics, training on social issues, enrichment and prevention of sexual harassment and violence, publishing information to employees in three languages, hiring employees from all sectors, checking employee satisfaction, celebrating events and holidays, trips, joint fun days and more.

Environmental responsibility – collecting packaging for recycling, not burning waste, reducing the use of packaging materials, testing and meeting the strictest standards in the world for food safety and work safety) .BRC,2015 ISO9001)


Responsibility in labor relations – work according to labor laws, risk survey for safety at work, employment agreements as required, employee satisfaction survey, employee feed-back, employee promotion.

Product warranty – improved recipes, economical products, products without preservatives from fresh raw materials and long validity. Improving flavors according to a consumer survey, supplier inspections, quality raw materials, food safety standards, product safety…

Responsibility for corporate governance – regular management meetings, board of directors’ meetings, sharing information with employees, decision-making procedure, factory procedures, dialogue with all stakeholders: owners, factory management, employees, customers, suppliers.

Joining “Amitai” and the “Ma’ala” ranking – the umbrella organization of Israeli companies that implement, manage and promote environmental social responsibility.

“Ma’ala” rating for corporate responsibility – using the rating questionnaire helps to understand the standards in the areas of ethics, diversity in employment, work environment, volunteering, community, environmental quality, transparency, etc. and building the work plans for mapping for implementation and assimilation of corporate responsibility in the organization. Participation in the “Ma’ala” rating for small companies in 2016.

